This website is based on presentations and material from previous ESD Workshops and Endo-Skill Updates (2009-2018) in Salzburg AT, updated until 20.04.2024 (syllabus for ESD Hands-on Workshop, Berlin 2024).

Frieder Berr, M.D.

Frieder Berr, M.D.
Prof em., Dept. of Medicine I
Paracelsus Medical University
Strubergasse 22
5020 Salzburg, AT

Note: Frieder Berr advocates en bloc resection of early neoplasms graded as malignant (as in Japanese and British guidelines), and for pathological assessment according to validated JGES criteria for curative resection. The survey of the 10 ESD Workshops advocates implementation of ESD with technical step-up mainly in colorectum. Since 2009 he has been committed to training in endoscopic diagnosis, indication and resection of early GI neoplasms.